Kerry and Chris Shook give us a powerful guide on how to stop hiding behind our image and truly discover and live our authentic life message.
Kerry and Chris Shook give us a powerful guide on how to stop hiding behind our image and truly discover and live our authentic life message.
Kerry and Chris Shook will inspire you to live a life of action in their new book, Be the Message. As followers of Jesus, we’re called to be doers of the Word, not just hearers. Kerry and Chris will motivate and equip you in your quest to make a difference through your deeds.
One of the greatest proofs of the resurrection of Christ is a life that’s been transformed by His love. Kerry and Chris Shook awaken us to the powerful truth that the tomb is empty so our lives can be filled with Jesus. Be the Message will take you on the life-altering adventure of being the voice, hands, feet and heart of our Lord to a lost and hurting world.
When the life we live lines up with the words we speak, the world takes notice. Kerry and Chris Shook lead us on an incredible journey to “Be the Message” and experience a relationship with God that changes everything.
So much anxiety and stress in our lives is caused by the disconnect between our words and our walk. It’s imperative for Leaders to live authentic lives, congruent between the who and the what. Kerry and Chris Shook have given us a powerful biblical tool that will help you reduce that gap and truly come alive in your leadership and life.
You are the Gospel. Kerry and Chris Shook awaken us to that astounding fact, and then they give us a road map to really live it.
Be the Message is for anyone who is tired of talking and hearing about God and wants to really experience God! Kerry and Chris Shook have given us a practical manual for putting our faith into action.
This book will serve as a wake-up call for people everywhere to use their God-given talents to radically transform the community. Far too often there is a separation between the words that people speak and the actions that support them. We all have a unique calling on our lives, and we cannot reach our true potential until we learn to embrace that calling. I believe that God is raising a generation of believers who will be the hands and feet of Jesus, with a love so profound that the world cannot help but take notice. Be the Message is a guideline to living a Christ-centered life, not just in theory but through an all-consuming lifestyle of serving others. There is no limit to what the body of Christ can do when focused and motivated; our greatest days are ahead of us, if we would only learn to practice what we preach.
I love how God can take our greatest mess and turn it into our greatest message. Be the Message offers incredible hope and practical encouragement on how to let God work miracles in our lives.
God has given you a unique life message that comes directly from “Christ in you” and Christ living through you. Be the Message will help you discover your life message and really live it.
Craig Groeschel Founding Pastor of Lifechurch.tv Author, Confessions of a Pastor
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